We eventually ventured out on Sunday to the Donnybrook Apple Festival. They have built the amazing FREE APPLE FUN PARK which the kids just loved. as you can imagine it was pretty hard to drag them away - however the Ester Bunny had been for a visit at Nana's so the pull of more chocolate far outweighed the park! Can you believe I forgot to take the camera though? Not a very good scrapper am I?

Monday was Henry's birthday. He managed to remind us about 100 times that "It's my Birthday tomorrow!" so there was no forgetting. We had a couple of little friends around for a play and some birthday cake. LOL They were so well behaved and had a great time. I just can't believe that my baby is four! Where did that time go? So here is a picture comparison. Henry at 21 hours old and Henry on the morning of his fourth birthday. *wiping away a little tear*

Henry shares his birthday with his uncle, who turned 21. So we had a great family dinner at a fabulous Italian resaraunt in Bunbury. Yum! And great to catch up with some of the extended family too.
Tuesday was back to TC. Great to get some quality scrap time in. I actually hadn't touched my scrapping gear for a whole week which is rare for me. I have submitted the page I completed to be published, so I will share a sneak peak or 2. Seems that the publishers are cracking down on pages being viewed elsewhere before they hit the mags - for good reason of course. So anyway - wish me luck! If it doesn't get published then I can share the whole LO much sooner. I feel it is one of my best for a while though. Does that sound conceipted? I hope not LOL Enough rabbitting on now though. I will leave you with these pics.