I simply cannot believe that half the week has gone already! What a whirlwind of a week we have had. And it doesn't seem to matter how much "home time" I try to schedule in - I don't seem to be getting on top of the housework this week. Grrrrrr! What can you do? Gotta scrap, gotta clean - what would you choose?
Anyway, I have gotten through my projects for Jenny at RJR. I am really pleased with how all of them have turned out. Can't wait to share them, but we will all just have to be patient. I will definately post when they make it up onto the RJR blog.
I also got my DT pack from Shelley at Scrapbooking 4 Less today. I am teaching an online-class making an Advent Calendar for Shelley's Christmas in July First Birthday Celebrations. What a month July is going to be! Busy, busy busy! There are heaps of Classes, challenges, swaps and all sorts of fun and games going on. Check it all out on Shelley's Forum.
I shall be locking myself away, busily cutting, sticking, gluing and painting for the next couple of days. I aim to have the advent calendar finished by the weekend, but we will see how that goes. Might have to organise a scrap night with some girlfriends for the end of the week. Mmmmm . . . chocolate! That's it on the scrapping front.
In some exciting family news - we had Henry's Kindy interview with the Principal at the local private school yesterday. Henry was on his very best behaviour and suitably impressed the boss! We were so proud of how he conducted himself. He was confident, polite, used his manners without being reminded and was generally a model child. He even cried when we left. Poor little guy - he actually thought that he had already turned four and was off to Kindy that day!
But when Dave and the Principal worked out that they had attended the same PSA boy's school in Perth (albeit 20 years apart) we basically rubber-stamped it there and then. Nothing like Old Boys doing each other favours.
Well, that's about it from me tonight. But it is so cold I am afraid that if I stop typing, my fingers will freeze to the keyboard!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Weekend Update
We have had a lovely weekend, mostly taken up by Henry wanting to use his new found skill of bike riding. He is doing really well. Still with training wheels of course, but biking nonetheless.
So we have taken a couple of family bike rides which have been a lot of fun. I am a terrible scrapper though, as I have forgotten the camera each time we have gone out!
I have been doing more secret scrapping, with more to come, as I am expecting my DT pack from Shelley at Scrapbooking 4 Less any day now. That is going to be a big job, but I am so looking forward to it.
I got some exciting news today - I submitted the Music Box to the Basic Grey Gallery and to my utter amazement they accepted it and have put it on their site. Click Here to see it. You had better be quick though, as I wanted to use it for my SM Masters entry and may have to ask BG to remove it if SM consider it to be a prior publication. We will have to wait and see.
I think that's about all for today. I am going to try and skulk off to the scrap room again . . . .
So we have taken a couple of family bike rides which have been a lot of fun. I am a terrible scrapper though, as I have forgotten the camera each time we have gone out!
I have been doing more secret scrapping, with more to come, as I am expecting my DT pack from Shelley at Scrapbooking 4 Less any day now. That is going to be a big job, but I am so looking forward to it.
I got some exciting news today - I submitted the Music Box to the Basic Grey Gallery and to my utter amazement they accepted it and have put it on their site. Click Here to see it. You had better be quick though, as I wanted to use it for my SM Masters entry and may have to ask BG to remove it if SM consider it to be a prior publication. We will have to wait and see.
I think that's about all for today. I am going to try and skulk off to the scrap room again . . . .
Friday, June 15, 2007
Secret Scrapping
Well, I have been madly scrapping over the last 24 hours since receiving my DT pack from Jenney at RJR. I have finished part one - a LO. Sorry - no peeking! I can post it when Jenny has put it on the RJR Blog.
I still have an OTP to go. Quite excited about doing that one, only I haven't decided which photos to use yet. Will have to have a think about that one. Maybe I can take some over the weekend that will work.
I have been madly gathering supplies in a misguided attempt to do my Masters for SM magazine. I will see how I go. Submissions are due in Sydney by 13th July, so there is still a little time left.
Right, well that is about it. I will just leave you with a photo I took today. It was really "under exposed" on the camera, but I had a play in PSPX and think it looks quite cute.
I still have an OTP to go. Quite excited about doing that one, only I haven't decided which photos to use yet. Will have to have a think about that one. Maybe I can take some over the weekend that will work.
I have been madly gathering supplies in a misguided attempt to do my Masters for SM magazine. I will see how I go. Submissions are due in Sydney by 13th July, so there is still a little time left.
Right, well that is about it. I will just leave you with a photo I took today. It was really "under exposed" on the camera, but I had a play in PSPX and think it looks quite cute.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Scrap-a-di-doo-dah Day!
Wohoo - I just received my first DT Pack from Jenny at Really Just Ribbons. What a wicked colour combo.
My first DT pack from RJR
BTW -This is how I am storing my ribbons now. Those dolly clothes pins were only $2.50/pk 24 at the local discount varety store. Don't they look cute?!
BTW -This is how I am storing my ribbons now. Those dolly clothes pins were only $2.50/pk 24 at the local discount varety store. Don't they look cute?!
Not at all what I expected - not that I really knew what to expect. can't wait to get stuck into it.
I popped into town to get some coordinating PP's from my LSS and when I got home, what was in the letter box, but the newest SC Mag. What a scrappy day I have had. I shall have to top it off this evening with some actual scrapping. LOL!
Well, in order to do that, I really should hop off the computer now and get some housework done. BORING!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Plodding Along
We had a pretty good day today considering the kids woes. Henry is not coping to well with the blisters in his mouth - as you would expect. We are having to be fairly particular about what he eats as anything too acidic - like fruit - or overly sugary is sending him through the roof. Like most males though I truly believe he exaggerates his pain level. Every five minutes he is saying "I need go dock-er" meaning doctor of course. He is already going though a crying-at-the-drop-of-a-hat stage, so any little bump in the road compounds this.
Grace is coping exceptionally well, and just copying her brother! So if he is upset that his juice is hurting his mouth, she also comes over crying wanting an alternative beverage!
Being the responsible parent that I am, I kept them home from Tuesday Club (my weekly crop). The kids go into the creche for two hours and I get some quality scrap time. Though I have been known to just sit with my fave scrap mag and a coffee, and gossip for two hours! So anyway, I am seriously hanging out for some non-cyber adult time - uuhmm . . . I mean the scrapping type of course.
I did manage to get this LO done today though. It's one of those designs that took ages too come together, as I had no idea how I wanted it to look before I started. I am pretty happy with the result though.
Journalling Reads: @ 3 you are completely obsessed with the "cars" movie. Although I hadn't realised how much until you told me "Mum- Lightning McQueen is my best friend". What fun you must have inside your imagination, Henry.
I popped the kids at their little table with some new markers and colouring book, and Bob-the-Builder on the laptop on the spare bed. They were content for a few . . . minutes. That little table set me up with 2 priceless moments today though:
Grace is coping exceptionally well, and just copying her brother! So if he is upset that his juice is hurting his mouth, she also comes over crying wanting an alternative beverage!
Being the responsible parent that I am, I kept them home from Tuesday Club (my weekly crop). The kids go into the creche for two hours and I get some quality scrap time. Though I have been known to just sit with my fave scrap mag and a coffee, and gossip for two hours! So anyway, I am seriously hanging out for some non-cyber adult time - uuhmm . . . I mean the scrapping type of course.

Journalling Reads: @ 3 you are completely obsessed with the "cars" movie. Although I hadn't realised how much until you told me "Mum- Lightning McQueen is my best friend". What fun you must have inside your imagination, Henry.
I popped the kids at their little table with some new markers and colouring book, and Bob-the-Builder on the laptop on the spare bed. They were content for a few . . . minutes. That little table set me up with 2 priceless moments today though:
- I was trying to convince Henry to have a sleep while Grace was down, thinking that the rest would help his body heal - well that was how I put it to him anyway. So on about the 15th attempt, I said to him: "Henry - I really think you need to go and have a sleep" to which he casually sat on the table and replied (as only a three year old can: "OK . . . Tell me why?" :)
- When Grace had woken up from her sleep, she was pottering around doing her own thing, when I noticed the sound of purposeful pitter-patter between her bedroom and the scrap room. I looked up to see the scene depicted in these photos. She had brought the teddy and the wipes from her room. It was just so funny how much purpose was behind her actions.
Yes, she is wiping teddy's bottom!LOL
Monday, June 11, 2007
Dodged a Bullet
Well, thankfully it is not Chicken Pox. Henry has Hand, Foot and Mouth. Sounds disgusting but the doctor assures me that it is completely harmless. He will just be a bit spotty for a couple of days. Grace has a blister on her foot, and a few spots on her little bottom, so we will just have to stay inside for a few days.
Luckily I went to the bulk billing doctor in town though, as we were in the doc for all of about 10 seconds! He reckons it is going around. No treatment - just keep them away from other kids.
So, with all this isolation I am hoping to get some much needed scrapping time in. Henry likes to do "cutting out" too. He just has a few scraps, scissors and a bottle of glue and it keeps him amused for . . . minutes!LOL.
I am off now to make the most of the sunshine and get some washing out on the line.
Luckily I went to the bulk billing doctor in town though, as we were in the doc for all of about 10 seconds! He reckons it is going around. No treatment - just keep them away from other kids.
So, with all this isolation I am hoping to get some much needed scrapping time in. Henry likes to do "cutting out" too. He just has a few scraps, scissors and a bottle of glue and it keeps him amused for . . . minutes!LOL.
I am off now to make the most of the sunshine and get some washing out on the line.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
What A Weekend!
My mum came to visit for the weekend - she lives two hours away in Perth. It is always great to see her, and the kids love having her around. She loves to go to the local handmade candy store here in Bunbury called Taffy's (Wish I could link that, but they don't have a website) and buy up a bunch of treats. Of course this means that we all eat way too much and put on about 15 kilos overnight!
Gracie had great fun with the milkshake that Grammy bought for her at Taffy's. Actually she did really well until we got to Coles to get groceries, and decided to tip the bright green liquid all over herself and the floor. Has anyone else ever had to walk through a busy supermarket with a green child? Mortifying!
Poor Henry burst into tears when Grammy said it was time for her to leave. I nearly did the same. It is the first time that he has done that really. I think at three it is dawning on him that the distance means that he doesn't get to see her nearly as much as he would like.
So, we have discovered that Henry most likely has Chicken Pox. I am going to take him to the doctor in the morning to be sure though. I am gathering that if it is CP, that Grace will get it too. Dave and I have both had it as kids. I am not really looking forward to the next couple of weeks.The kids and I don't do well with being housebound for too long. Oh well, hopefully I will get a bit of scrapping down.
I will have to update to see when we see what the doctor says tomorrow.
Gracie had great fun with the milkshake that Grammy bought for her at Taffy's. Actually she did really well until we got to Coles to get groceries, and decided to tip the bright green liquid all over herself and the floor. Has anyone else ever had to walk through a busy supermarket with a green child? Mortifying!
Poor Henry burst into tears when Grammy said it was time for her to leave. I nearly did the same. It is the first time that he has done that really. I think at three it is dawning on him that the distance means that he doesn't get to see her nearly as much as he would like.
So, we have discovered that Henry most likely has Chicken Pox. I am going to take him to the doctor in the morning to be sure though. I am gathering that if it is CP, that Grace will get it too. Dave and I have both had it as kids. I am not really looking forward to the next couple of weeks.The kids and I don't do well with being housebound for too long. Oh well, hopefully I will get a bit of scrapping down.
I will have to update to see when we see what the doctor says tomorrow.
Friday, June 8, 2007
I have just realised that I have posted the photos in reverse order. OK - stop laughing - I am still very new to blogging . . . alright?LOL!
Music Box - Work in Progress

Music Box - Before

<---- This is the "before photo" of a music box I restored. Just finished it on Wednesday. No need to explain the story as you will see it in the journalling to follow.
I have joined the revolution
I finally have a blog. What has prompted this monumental (*tongue planted firmly in cheek*) decision? Peer pressure!
At any rate, it is a great way to keep our nearest and dearest updated on the family goings-on, and also an arena for me to display my latest creations (for anyone that is interested in looking anyway!).
So welcome to Pip's Scraps. Come in, have a look around. Hope you see something you like.
First of all I wanted to announce that I have been lucky enough to have my Design Team application accepted by Jenny at Really Just Ribbons. I am so looking forward to working with Jenny and the three very talented ladies who were also selected! I am hoping that this position will feed my ribbon addiction, but as with all diseases there are no guarantees - here's hoping though.
Well, here are a couple of my latest projects for you to peruse. I will add some more when I find my mojo again.
At any rate, it is a great way to keep our nearest and dearest updated on the family goings-on, and also an arena for me to display my latest creations (for anyone that is interested in looking anyway!).
So welcome to Pip's Scraps. Come in, have a look around. Hope you see something you like.
First of all I wanted to announce that I have been lucky enough to have my Design Team application accepted by Jenny at Really Just Ribbons. I am so looking forward to working with Jenny and the three very talented ladies who were also selected! I am hoping that this position will feed my ribbon addiction, but as with all diseases there are no guarantees - here's hoping though.
Well, here are a couple of my latest projects for you to peruse. I will add some more when I find my mojo again.
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